Am I Addicted to Pot?

by Jordan

I'm a 16 year old girl and I've only smoked weed 4 times in my life (and that's 4 times in about 7 months, so I wasn't a frequent user)

I never, ever, ever want to do it again -- and I've never done any other drugs either. I realized recently that I don't want to be a person that uses drugs or do anything illegal and I regret ever smoking it in the first place.

I never had fun smoking and only did it to try it out (I don't know why I ever wanted to try it out but I didn't consider it to be a big deal at the time). I am absolutely positive that I never want to do it again.

I've been feeling a lot of guilt over having ever tried it in the first place, and consider it my biggest regret.

However, I read online that it's possible to be addicted to it and I was wondering how you know if you're addicted. The only thing I've read that rings true to me is the anxiety. I've been feeling anxious due to the regret of ever having smoked it.

So is it possible I'm addicted? I don't think I am because I truly never want to do it again in my life but I don't know how to tell on my own.

I've always been the type of person to obsess over things and feel a lot of guilt over things. I also don't plan on being around it if that helps, I plan on avoiding places where people do it but I can't be sure that I'll never be around it again in my life. I'm very scared.


Smoking weed 4 times in 7 months is not enough to cause addiction. Addiction to marijuana develops slowly over time. The fact that you feel guilty and don’t want to be a part of that scene will prevent you from further experimentation. Many people experiment with drugs and most don't become addicted.

Developing an addiction to marijuana takes more than an occasional joint.

Anxiety is one of the with-drawl effects of marijuana, but your anxiety is not from the drug effects, it’s from the doing the drug in the first place. You may not always be able to avoid others who smoke marijuana, however, you can chose not to be one of them.

All the best

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