How Signs of Stress Work For You

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Signs of stress work for you as well as against you. Stress isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact, a good healthy dose of it can cause you to re-evaluate the direction your life is going and alert you when things are going off course. It can allow you to get a better handle on things before they spiral out of control. Here are a few tips to consider:

Stress can help you better understand your body and the wants and needs that are being neglected in your life.

For example, did you know that exercise is a natural way to deal with difficult situations? Instead of feeling stressed about a problem, why not engage in some heart-pounding physical activity? Not only will it clear your mind, it will also help you to get in better shape. You'll look and feel better which will give your self-confidence a boost. After a few minutes of sweating, you'll problems will be the last thing on your mind. That's because your body will be producing endorphins, which are chemicals that help elevate your mood. The reverse would be to escape into compulsive overeating or other negative behaviors.

Stress allows you know your limitations

We often bite off more than we can chew. We say "Yes" to people when we really mean "No." We take on projects that tax us mentally and physically. We schedule life around appointments. We forget to take care of ourselves. Stress serves as a wake-up call because it allows us to recognize our limitations, as long as you stop and think.

Stress allows us to know that we cannot squeeze another minute out our schedules and still expect to have an ounce of quality in our lives. When we reach our breaking point, we need an escape. The latest compulsive behavior is

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Stress helps you focus on the big picture

Stress gives us permission to lighten our loads and pay attention to the things that really matter -- but that’s only if you use it effectively.

Stress makes it easier for us to understand why our current situations have come to be. It encourages you to slow down and really focus your energy on solving problems. Without stress, few of us would be able to know what we want and don't want out of life. We would be complacent about how we go about our business and that's not good for anyone. Stress can give us the courage to try something different. Although stress is often thought to be detrimental, it gives us the go ahead to really take inventory of our lives. In fact, it helps us to ask the eternal question, "Why do I feel the way that I do?" Without stress, we would still go full throttle and forget about the things that matter. Believe it or not, the signs of stress can work for you. It tells you to calm down and relax. When you learn to relax you will handle your life with confidence, on a daily basis.

Q & A

Q My 19 yr old son has depression. He started taking Zoloft and sees a therapist. He has a problem with alcohol and binge drinks heavily every weekend He admits he has a problem but isn’t sure he wants to quit, because it relaxes him. He also had a very serious bullying problem when he was younger.

Last weekend he drank so much he came home full of rage, broke windows and beat a man badly. I was shocked! He’s very aggressive towards his friends as well as others.

He will see his doctor in a month and that is a long time to wait. He wants to be without alcohol and I think he will do it temporarily, until he forgets that horrible weekend. What can I do and what he should do?


The manufacturer of Zoloft does not recommend drinking while on the medication. Zoloft and alcohol act upon similar chemicals in the brain, which means that Zoloft could intensify the effects of the alcohol. “If a person chooses to drink alcohol while taking this medication, he or she should only consume light to moderate amounts of alcohol. If you do drink alcohol, do not drink alcoholic beverages at the same time you take your dose of Zoloft."

I suggest that you go with your son to his doctor's appointment. He may not be telling the doctor the full extent of his drinking and you should have this on record. In the mean time, suggest that he goes to AA get a sponsor and work the 12 steps
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What’s New On The Site

Hypnosis and here's where you'll get more info on hypnosis and mp3s Because stress leads to all kinds of addictive behavior, everyone benefits when you take the edge off. Relax and enjoy peace of mind!!

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Next Month

Does the past creep into your thoughts? The topic for June: How to let go of the past.

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