Adderall Addiction

by Anonymous

I have developed an addiction to Adderall and I really want to end my addiction problem.

My doctor prescribed Adderall to help with my depression a few years ago, when other medications weren't working. After awhile my dosage wasn't working, so I started taking more each day.

Now, I am miserable and want to quit more than anything but I can't afford health insurance so rehab isn't an option for me.

If anyone has any advice on Adderall addiction, I would appreciate it so much :)


Addiction to prescription medication is very common and Adderall is an amphetamine – which is highly addictive. So much so that in 2005, Health Canada has suspended it from the Canadian market.

If you stop ‘cold turkey’ instead of seeking professional adderall withdrawal treatment, you’ll experience the side effects.

Extreme fatigue.

Mental depression.

Changes in the brain wave patterns on a sleeping EEG (electroencephalogram). This change in the brain wave patterns includes insomnia, and in some cases, seizure.

For this reason, you need to be monitored. If you’re eligible for free services, ask your physician to recommend a 28 day detox.

Social services, or a hospital emergency can also point you in the right direction.

After that, it’s imperative that you have follow- up. Narcotics Anonymous(NA) meetings, getting a sponsor and working the 12-steps provide good support.

This is not easy, but working on your addiction is worth the effort.

Hope this is helpful,


PS. If anyone has other suggestions -- just post.

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