Codependency Questions to Ask

Codependency characteristics are hard to detect because it’s hard to determine what’s the right and what’s not? It may feel right, but you can’t trust your feelings. I’m often asked, “Doesn’t every mother care?” or “I don’t want to stop caring, what should I do?” It can be very frustrating. Of course you care, and you shouldn’t stop caring.

The difference is HOW you care. You usually go over-board and when others reject it, you're hurt. Mothering should not be smothering. When you have the traits, you have no healthy boundaries, and you can over do it in all relationships – with partners, friends, kids.

Caring is not self sacrifice. Through counseling, you will develop healthy ways of caring.

Here are some questions to ask a professional before you begin. 1) How can I tell if I have a problem or I'm just a caring person?.

2) What are some signs and symptoms that make you think I have this problem?

3) Which behaviors do I have that may be related to codependency?

4) Do you know the source of my problem?.

5) What steps can I take to stop my behavior?

6) What treatment options would be best for me?

7) What will I be discussing in treatment?

8) What is the prognosis for this problem

9) How will I know whether I get better or not?

10) How will people react if they see I stop caring for them? What do I say to them?

If you have other questions, feel free to ask them. You’re entitled to get all the information you need. Most professionals appreciate your questions and will be happy to help you..

More questions about codependency counseling?

Are you stuck in a codependent relationship? Here are some tips to get out. Melodie Beaty wrote the classic "Codependent No More". It's a must read - so here's the link.

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(Source village Total Health)

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