Drug Symptoms

The drug symptoms and side affects of cocaine can be devastating, but the good thing is that the signs of drug addiction are easy to spot.

You simply must be aware of the signs as well as the side affects. Without this information, you know that something is wrong, but you may not suspect a thing.

Side affects of Cocaine

Low appetite

Dilated pupils

Elevated temperature

Mental alertness

Increased blood pressure

What is drug addiction to cocaine?

When you feel good using cocaine, you use it more frequently. The addiction kicks in as you use more drugs to get the same affects. But, although you’re using more, you never get the same effect – so you keep on using. Then you become addicted.

Once addicted, you’re prone to heart and respiratory failure, strokes, gastrointestinal problems as well as seizures and death.

Signs of Drug Addiction to Cocaine

Lying, stealing, skipping school or work



Auditory Hallucinations




Blurred vision

Addiction Affects for Girls and Women

Users of cocaine can go without eating for days because one of the drug symptoms is that it suppresses the appetite. This is particularly appealing for celebrities and fashion models whose jobs depend on staying thin.

Women and adolescent girls see these people as role models and once they’ve used cocaine as a diet aid, they’re petrified of getting off the drug and gaining weight. This is a serious problem that is commonly seen in drug rehab facilities.

It is extremely important that eating disorders are addressed in rehab if the addict wants the side affects of cocaine. There should also be follow-up counseling with an addiction professional.

One of the early symptoms is that cocaine is a very sexual drug. This is another reason for the addict not to stop addiction. More about drug symptoms

Sex can be addicting with or without cocaine

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Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

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