How Can I Get My Boyfriend Help?
by Marissa
(Dennis Ma)
I am going into a very intensive treatment program (6 – 9 months) for mothers in recovery.
We have been abusing drugs and alcohol together every week -- not every day-- not that rich. But whenever he would blow his money on pills, I always find a way to drink. Drink has become more of a comfort for me, ever since I left out my ex husband, who choked and terrorized me for six years. I stayed so long I suffer from extreme PTSD.
About 3 1/2 years ago my beautiful son broke down and told me someone touched him in his bum and pee pee. He was crying and begged me not to tell his farther. I could not understand why. His dad was a jerk to me and a sick man, but I married this man, slept with this man and had a child with this monster. I told his dad knowing he would destroy the pig that hurt our perfect, beautiful gift from God!!!
That was another big mistake I made. A year later my son says " Mommy I think Daddy's evil" then says " Sometimes Daddy, when he drinks, thinks I'm Becky his girl friend."
I never left my son. I left his Dad but suffered the effects of his abuse. I tried so many ways to get help, but no one believes me or my son. His dad is a car sales men-- #1 and he coaches a boys base ball team. Me and my son have the most special bond. Besides how much we love each other, he will always be in my heart. We also know each other’s pain and know the real Jeremy his father as a monster. Even though he's the most charming man on Cape Cod!
Jeremy has tried to take my son away from me, to
hurt me for leaving him. He threatened me and said if I push for our son to get counseling, I would never see him again, but I still pursued this. True to his words, he filed false charges of assault on me. The courts favored him both times!
I was devastated and could only see my 8 yr old son, supervised, an hour once a week. I began drinking very heavily -- starting in the mornings to numb my feelings of anger, guilt, defeat and loss of my only son my flesh and blood!
I was powerless to fight for my son and he was suffering every day! If I handled it my way I would be behind bars. I just gave birth to my second son. DCF took him and he has been placed in my best friends custody due go my drinking. I want to get help and am willing to try anything. I know I have a serious problem.
But my boy friend does not think he, nor I need help. He we can get better together and just stop. He has said this before. He has never put his money towards anything else besides drugs! He really needs help. I know he wants it but has no family at all and not a single friend. He's isolated and trusts no one! He also has no insurance.
If I get better and go back to him I will be sick again! My question is how can I encourage him to get help. He does not want to be this way any longer but thinks he can do on his own. I know he can't. Please help!! It means his life and he is such a wonderful man -- father of two sons also.
Thanks for anyone that reads this and takes an interest! Sincerely Marissa xo