by Joe
Hi, I'm Joe
I have a 4 month old baby, I love him...
My girlfriend, her name is Kat...
She decided she was tired of me not going forward in life and she left to live at her mom's...
So I decided it was best we "separate"...
I don’t know what got into me...
I have decided for now, to pay child support so my kid can eat, and have toys...
I get to see my child every week for 3 days...
My ex say's I must change my ways if we have a chance of getting back together...
I am addicted to alcohol, marijuana, cigarettes, computer...
I spend money for beer and joints anytime I can (I can often)...
I smoke a half a pack daily. I used to smoke 1 1/2 packs a day….
I play computer games a lot -- when I say a lot, I mean at least 6 hours a day...
I need some help...
I love Kat. I love my son...
I do not want to loose them, please help...
I need a way to stop drinking and smoking ASAP...
I have tried on my own and I always fall back in the same pattern...
I love her. I love my son. If I don’t change my ways, I will loose what is dearest to me, then my life...
Thank you for reading,,,
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