Addicted To Shoplifting At 49

by Loriann
(West Olive Mi USA)

I am in the process of regaining my life and my self control, which I came very close to sacrificing due to my addiction to shoplifting.

I was so confused and ashamed. I was powerless to change myself and too humiliated to reach out for the the help I knew I needed. I was completely unaware that there was an addiction factor in my shoplifting and could only attribute it to a loss of good judgement, character and worthlessness. I could not understand why I would risk so much for so little.

I thought no one did the things I was doing. How could I admit how messed up I had become, because on the outside I was a 49 yr old wife and mother of 4, a church member, a volunteer and 4-h leader! It did not make sense!

My lowest point was being arrested and jailed, humiliated and exposed, but I thank God for that now, because I was able to get the help I desperately needed. I am shocked that I was not alone in my destructive behavior, but there are 30 million others just like me!

I was almost relieved to learn it was an addiction, robbing me of my judgement and not just my inability to make good choices. It began to make sense of the out-of-control feeling. Also, I now know what I am up against(addiction) while I achieve the recovery of myself. And with support from my loved ones and a therapist to help me, I am on my way!

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Apr 08, 2012
You're an HONEST person.
by: Anonymous

Your son is an alcoholic and is living with a married woman who is also an alcoholic. This is an adult child and he is living his life his way. You have no power over the way he is living, however, you’re entitled to express your opinion and stand firm.

You must not feel sorry for his circumstances. If your son seriously wants to change, he should not be living with an alcoholic. He can go to AA meetings, or go into rehab get help on his own.

Don’t beat yourself too much about what has happened, and don’t focus on your guilt by calling yourself a THIEF. Your not intending to hurt anybody, shit happens sometimes. "So what" you made a mistakes.

Walk tall and don’t tell yourself you have a problem with taking without paying. You've paid enough! So from now on, go wherever you want to go and shop for what you need. If you get the urge to take something without paying "Don’t", Walk away from it with your head held high and forget it!

You are way too precious to be put in jail for something worthless.
Good Luck Dear

Apr 05, 2012
All the Best to you
by: Anonymous

You have my support! God Blessed You!

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