Confused and don't trust guys.

by Kuhu Arora

I’m 19 years old. I have had a relationship for the past 4 years, but I broke it off because he was cheating on me.

I left him and after 3-4 months I met this guy and I enjoyed his company. We started going out and have had a relationship for a year. Some months ago I learned that my current guy was cheating on me and that the girl is pregnant. She told me everything about the guy, and all those things were true so I believe her.

The guy refuses to admit that he was involved with her and made her pregnant. I trust him on that, but from that day, I’m not mentally satisfied with him.

My mind goes to other guys – but because of what I’ve gone through, I stay with him. I can’t even trust any other guy.

I don’t think I’ll ever trust a guy.

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Apr 05, 2012
You're Right!!
by: Anonymous

Look sweetie, you're still young and have your whole life ahead of you.

This wont be the last relationship you'll have, there'll be plenty more guys out there for you until you meet the right man and get married and live happily ever after.

Just don't put all your hopes in this guy. He's obviously young also and inexperienced. At that age guys don' really know where their heart is.

He might say he loves you today, but tomorrow he might see another good looking girl and fall in love with her also. Just Have fun with him now and only give as much as you receive.

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