Crystal Meth Effects

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Crystal meth effects can cause permanent damage. Methamphetamines are inexpensive, readily available and dangerous. Anyone can get the ingredients off the internet and cook up this concoction. A meth lab can be in the kitchen.

What Does Crystal Meth Look Like?

Methamphetamines vary in color from off-white to yellow. It’s wrapped in plastic, aluminum foil, capsules or tablets. Similar to cocaine, it can be in powder form crystal or chunks. The drug is sold illegally and is a cheap replacement for cocaine

How Do You Use Crysal Meth?

The drug is swallowed, snorted or injected. In powdered form, it can be injected, sniffed or swallowed. Chunks of “ICE or GLASS” is smoked, similar to crack cocaine. Depending on how much is used, the high may last from 2 – 20 hours or so.

Short Term Effects

Euphoria (the high)


Heart rate, breathing and blood pressure increased – strokes, heart failure can occur

Increased energy

Appetite suppressed

Dilated pupils

Rapid speech and slurring words


Depression and exhaustion comes with withdrawal

Long Term Effects

Increased energy

Appetite suppressed

Dilated pupils

Rapid speech and slurring words

Paranoia/ psychosis

Depression and exhaustion comes with withdrawal

Long Term Effects


Skin disorders


Weight loss


I V users risk AIDS, lung and cardiovascular diseases

Mental illness


Why Use Stimulants?

Crystal meth effects the brain and amphetamine users feel on top of the world. Confidence increases and they experience what has been termed the “Superman Syndrome.” People who have to stay up late (truckers, students etc) are susceptible to taking this drug. However, reaction time and alertness can be effected. You can also stay up and party.

Meth is often combined with alcohol. Women often have different addiction issues Meth attracts women as a weight loss drug, because it suppresses hunger.

More info on crystal meth

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