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I'm co-dependant it's driving me crazy!!
by: liz

My heart goes out to you.

It has been 6 months now since I split up with my husband after a 20yr marriage. It has been difficult, but it's getting better every day. Please take my advice and find the courage to leave for your own sake. Things certainly don't get any better. I can vouch for that.

I wish I had gotten out of the hell hole I was in a lot sooner. The first 3 months were really bad, but I never want to go back there and it slowly gets better after that.

Find as many resources as you can to help you out. Web sites that support, friends, therapist and most of all God. You do need God to get you out of this living hell. Even if you don't believe in God, think about Jesus and his teachings. Follow them and keep them in your heart and carry them with you always --good vs evil. Stay on the right path, forgiveness and compassion are both good.

She is sick. You have to get on with your own life. She needs to work on herself and so do you, in order to find your real self again. Jesus died for all our sins so we could be saved. He wants you to be happy and get on with your life and find some peace in it. Don't let someone else crucify you.

Think about it you know I'm right. I lost site of God for a long time but I opened my heart to him and found him again and I know I couldn't have got this far without him.

If you start putting good things into your life that bring you peace and make you happy, you will soon find that they will out weigh all the negativity that's been programmed into your subconscious. It does take time though, so you will need to prepare yourself first.

Find some hobbies, keep yourself busy, write all your negative feelings down in a journal and release them and do something happy to replace them. Music is good, exercise, and most of all a good support network of friends.

Be strong and stop looking back. When you leave keep moving forward towards a new and brighter future for yourself. I know you can't see one at the moment but you will. God Bless. :)

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