Untwist Your Thinking with CBT

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Untwist your thinking with cognitive behavioral therapy. CBT works for individual, couples and relationship counseling and codependency as well as all addictive behavior: alcohol, drugs, gambling,compulsive sex, shopping, shoplifting,eating etc.

The theory is that the way you think affects your feelings, which results in the way you behave. So it’s only stands to reason that if you change the way you think, your emotions, attitudes and actions will change as well. When our thinking and emotions change we feel better. The situation remains the same, but you’ll respond and act differently about it.

Along with other techniques CBT is the technique I use the most.

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT Therapy)

CBT is an interactive process between the client and therapist.

It is not like psychoanalysis, where the therapist is not involved. Unlike psychoanalysis, cognitive behavioral therapy is also not a long process.

CBT therapists focus on giving the client ‘self-counseling’ techniques. The therapist encourages, and teaches and the client to test and implement a new way of thinking.

CBT techniques encourage the client to understand themselves, their thinking and how they react. This leads to changes which last for the rest for life.

Changing Addiction Behavior

CBT Therapy has been well researched and found very effective for all addiction behavior: food, drugs, alcohol, gambling, and compulsive shop-lifting. It has also been found effective to eliminate depression, anxiety, low self esteem and anger.

You owe it to yourself to try it

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My office is in the Montreal area, but I also do coaching and recovery coaching, so you can get help on line or by phone

Coaching is not therapy, but it's a great way to put a stop to twisted thinking. Coaching is team work. You set your goals and both of us work together to get the results. Whether the problem is with an addictive behavior, a situation with family members, or relationships. Untwist your thinking, changes your life. You can try a free 1/2 hour of coaching

Here's more about changing your thinking

Techniques to change your thinking.

Self hypnosis helps you with unhealthy habits & addictions

For info on all therapies available

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From Untwist Your Thinking to Stop Being Addicted

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