Healthy Eating Tips
Healthy eating tips are helpful to know, because when we are stressed, there are demands on our bodies and more often than not, we’ll eat. We are not thinking things out – we’re simply reacting to stress.
This is what we call emotional eating. We’re not hungry, but we eat for relief. Stress and weight gain are related. Learn to understand and stop eating your emotions by incorporating these healthy eating tips and stop eating your stress.
We can be stressed for many reasons: family, finances, work etc and our bodies respond as if we need help. There are shifts in our metabolism, blood flow etc. If we remain highly stressed for a prolonged time, many aspects of our health are at risk, not only stress and weight gain. Here are some reasons for
emotional eating
The Metabolism: You’re your metabolism can cause you to gain weight when the stress hormone cortosol slows it down. If this happens, you can eat the same as you always do, but you’ll gain weight.
Cravings: Funny how we never crave a salad when we’re stressed. It’s always sweet, salty, fried etc. This is the body’s way of giving us energy to fight the stress, but it sure doesn’t help with healthy eating.
Blood sugar: Blood sugar levels change with stress. This can cause mood swings, fatigue, as well as more serious diseased like diabetes and heart problems.
Fat: High stress is linked to fat storage. Fat stored in the stomach region has been linked to more health risks than in other areas of our bodies.
Emotional Eating
Stress causes
food addiction
and that means that you’re are not eating because you’re hungry, you’re eating to take the edge off. How often you open the fridge, or go to the vending machines at work? Are you always hungry? Sometimes you ‘think’ you are, but you have to stop eating your emotions. Calm down and don’t escape into food.
Healthy Eating Tips
1) Do not start the day on an empty stomach. Eat breakfast.
2) Carry a healthy snack with you.
3) Drink plenty of water.
4) Avoid fast food restaurants and junk food.
5) Exercise – you’ll eat better.
6) Brown bag-it. You’ll eat better and save money too.
7) When you're raiding the fridge, stop. The craving will pass
A healthy eating plan provides more
healthy eating tips
Stress and weight gain go together. So to help stop emotional eating and follow these healthy eating tips. You’ll feel better, look better and have a better outlook on life.
Are you an emotional eater?
Take the quiz.
If you need help with emotional eating,
Overeaters Anonymous
or other support groups can help you. There is also
counseling for emotional eating
as well as
which can keep you on the right track.
It's not about dieting, it's about changing your lifestyle and creating a new way of thinking.
Don't let food control you.
For immediate help, these mp3s can be helpful
Healthy eating becomes a lifestyle. This site gives you
Greek recipes for healthy eating
Do you have things boggling up your mind that are keeping you from being healthy? See how to heal and discover your passions.
This site provides education, practical tools & products to achieve your health goals
Easy healthy recipes
A personal account
on overcoming heart problems diagnosed at age 17.
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