Why Permissive Parenting And Drugs Don’t Mix

Permissive parenting and drugs can lead to guilt and regret. Teens experiment with drugs for fun, curiosity, socializing, boredom, rebellion, relaxation, relaxation, peer pressure – many reasons. And if you have a permissive parenting style, you can turn a blind eye to all this and by doing this you're enabling You can be justifying that the kids are going through a ‘stage’ or that you’re a cool parent, a better person than your partner – a friend.

Kids rebel against authoritative parents, but they need direction and advice. They need you to be a concerned adult – a friendly adviser they admire and respect – not a friend.

Drugs commonly used by teens are tobacco, alcohol and marijuana. According to statistics released by and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (SAMHSA, cannabis (pot, weed) is the most popular illicit drug around, and one out of five teens have tried it.

Many youngsters try drugs during some stage in their lives. Statistics show that almost 45% are tempted to dabble in illicit drugs during their teens.

Although there is no guarantee that your child will use drugs, you should not be permissive and simply ignore it. Adolescence is a period of experimentation. You can reduce the risk of your child becoming involved with drugs with these tips:

• Encourage a trusting and open relationship with your teen from an early age.

• Model appropriate conduct such as moderate drinking, no tobacco, and no illicit drugs.

• Educate them frankly on the dangers that accompany drugs.

• Encourage their questions

• Set boundaries. Establish guidelines on what is acceptable and what is not.

• Encourage your children to practice a healthy lifestyle -- exercise, healthy food, and sports.

• Know your children’s friends as well as their parents.

• Teach responsibility and good decision-making skills from a young age.

If you suspect your child is using drugs, this is NOT the time to be permissive:

• Don’t panic or react on your impulse – be calm and think it over.

• Don’t snoop or search your teen’s room for any evidence, get permission.

• After establishing the facts, discuss the issue.

• If your child acknowledges doing drugs, don’t give an ultimatum, instead try to help.

• If they are new users, educate them and relate your concern for

their behavior Discuss seeking professional help.

• If your child is in trouble with the law, help them, however they must pay consequences ex. fines, penalties etc

• Monitor your child’s activities and inform them that this will stop, once there is renewed trust.

• Forget permissive parenting. Routinely check for potential hiding places. Common places are between books, back-packs, make-up cases etc. Once again, your child must be aware that this is the consequence for using drugs and as trust is renewed, you'll stop.

• Encourage new social activities, hobbies, interests, and clubs

If you’re having difficulty controlling your child, and you’re not sure what to do feel free to ask a question. And if you think that you need more than that, you can have a consultation on Skype or by phone.

The important thing is that you’re not in denial about the problem and that you’re doing something about it.

When you’re a permissive parent, you’re encouraging the problem and problems don’t simply go away. You have to stand up and do something about it.

Teen Drug/alcohol self tests

From Permissive Parenting to Stop being Addicted

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